In our culture, it is, compared with Asia or Africa, eat very unusual something like drone larvae or use. This is really surprising, because snails in living condition so not exactly look appetizing are considered a delicacy.
The very content of 23% high quality protein could be reason enough to put it on the bill of fare.
The drones have to offer even more. Also drones are fed with royal jelly at the very beginning. You are surrounded like queens larva of a shell of bioactive substances.So are 3-7 days old drones taken together with the jelly, you get a very high-quality food.
Production of drone brood
An extract from Drohnenlaven one gains by sucking drone frames or squeezing.The very soft larvae are killed. This may sound cruel, but in today's conventional beekeepers practice drone frames cut its contents and disposed of more or less a waste. The drone larvae and pupae are then, at best, still forage for birds.
An extract from Drohnenlaven one gains by sucking drone frames or squeezing.The very soft larvae are killed. This may sound cruel, but in today's conventional beekeepers practice drone frames cut its contents and disposed of more or less a waste. The drone larvae and pupae are then, at best, still forage for birds.
The extract from young drone larvae must be either rapidly frozen or preserved in honey. There are several formulations for further processing, while the larvae are usually still pollen extract and honey or bee bread and fresh ground nuts admixed.
These products are used by some beekeepers, the term "Apilarnil" offered as a power food for athletes and as a power-strengthening agent.
His name, "Apilarnil" has. This product from the inventor to the Romanian Nicolae beekeepers Iliesiu One day about 30 years ago, told his neighbor of his - in contrast to earlier years - remarkably quickly developed breeding ducks. The beekeeper Iliesiu had the duck chicks given the cut drone frames to peck. After this observation, he repeated the experiment with the result that the chick who got the drone larvae grew faster than the control group. From this he concluded that probably the Drohnenlaven must be the reason for the growth of young ducks and discovered the great potential that lies in the drone larvae.
Drone larvae extract consists, as royal jelly, to 65-75% water. The rest of the dry substance contains proteins, 19 different amino acids, carbohydrates, lipids (fats), and also beta carotene and choline, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, B6, and minerals (calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium and magnesium) and trace elements .
Besides the fact that Apilarnil because of its nutrients, vitamins and hormones is a kind of power food for humans and animals, it is also precisely because of its easy digestibility for sick and weak persons as sources of energy.
Using Apilarnil
- all kinds of exhaustion.
- with increased physical and mental requirements.
- Metabolic diseases such as diabetes, gout, obesity.
- by the aging process caused mental and emotional depression.
- Immune system weaknesses (infections, flu-like effects).
- Impairments of the neuro-vegetative system.
- Menopausal symptoms.
- Apilarnil likely - despite its various agents - be it in our part of the least known bee product. That will surely change soon, because convinced its effect and speaks for itself.
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